NEWS 2023-2024

      [ The team
      [ Pedagogy

“In our work, we’ve never disassociated creativity and technique, each feeding off the other. It’s the heritage that we’ve received from Alwin NIKOLAÏS and we are persuaded, now more than ever, of the legitimacy of this key idea. This induces a general state of mind where the personalities implicated in the creation must reveal, in all circumstances, the essence of their imaginary. This is why, whatever the mode of the interventions (training periods, actions in educational and associational mediums) around different audiences, we insist on the active engagement of each individual at the service of an idea. Dance is a representative art which demands not only a rigorous execution, but also clarity in its intention. For the profound nature of movement (in other words, its first sense) to be revealed, the motivation which generates it must be limpid. To paraphrase a quote from PICASSO, this motivation can’t be searched for, we find it in a secret place where our unique life experience joins the intimate experience of movement.”

Information: Philippe PRIASSO, Pedagogical Manager.